gobics.de [ Mario Stanke ]

University of Göttingen - Faculty of Biology - Institute of Microbiology and Genetics - Department of Bioinformatics

Dr. Mario Stanke

Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik
Abteilung für Bioinformatik
Goldschmidtstr. 1
37077 Göttingen
phone: +49 551 39 14926
fax: +49 551 39-14929
Email: mstanke@gwdg.de

This is my old homepage.
Since July 2010 I am working as professor for Bioinformatics at the University of Greifswald.

Research Interest (more...):

Current Funding:



Publications (until June, 2010):

   Papers in journals: Refereed papers in conference proceedings: Posters:    Dissertation:
   Thesis for 'Diplom' in Mathematics:

Last modified:  August 4th, 2010