Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schultz
Universität Göttingen
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik
Abteilung für Bioinformatik
Goldschmidtstr. 1 (Raum 2.157)
37077 Göttingen
anne [at] gobics [dot] de
+49 551 39 13884
+49 551 39 14929
Sprechzeiten/Office hours:
Mi., 13-14 Uhr, oder nach Vereinbarung
Themen: z.B. Statistik, Bioinformatik, Prüfungsangst, Lernmethoden
(Weiterbildung als Systemische Beraterin und in Prüfungscoaching)
Bioinformatics Network in Göttingen:
The Bioinformatics/Computational Biology groups in Göttingen
organize a joint Bioinformatics seminar (monthly)
where members of the different groups as well as invited speakers present their projects
Classification of hepatitis B virus genotypes and recombinants forms
Recombination analysis in viruses with circular genomes (e.g. HBV)
Chimera detection in 16S rRNA sequences
jpHMM - A jumping profile HMM to detect recombinations in genomic sequences of HIV-1 and HBV
Papers in journals and refereed conference proceedings:
C. Braun, A. Thürmer, R. Daniel, A.-K. Schultz, I. Bulla, H. Schirrmeier, D. Mayer, A. Neubert, C. Czerny (2017)
Genetic Variability of Myxoma Virus Genomes Journal of Virology 2017, 91(4):e01570-16
I. Bulla, A.-K. Schultz, C. Chesneau, T. Mark, F. Serea (2014)
A model-based information sharing protocol for profile hidden Markov models used for HIV-1 recombination detection BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:205
A.-K. Schultz, I. Bulla, M. Abdou-Chekaraou, E. Gordien, B. Morgenstern, F. Zoulim, P. Dény, M. Stanke (2012)
jpHMM: recombination analysis in viruses with circular genomes such as the hepatitis B virus Nucleic Acids Research, 40 (W1), W193-W198
T. Unterthiner, A.-K. Schultz, J. Bulla, B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke, I. Bulla (2011)
Detection of viral sequence fragments of HIV-1 subfamilies yet unknown BMC Bioinformatics 2011, 12:93
I. Bulla, A.-K. Schultz, F. Schreiber, M. Zhang, T. Leitner, B. Korber, B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke (2010)
HIV classification using the coalescent theory Bioinformatics, 26(11):1409-1415
M. Zhang, B. Foley, A.-K. Schultz, J. Macke, I. Bulla, M. Stanke, B. Morgenstern, B. Korber, T. Leitner (2010)
The role of recombination in the emergence of a complex and dynamic HIV epidemic Retrovirology 2010, 7:25, doi:10.1186/1742-4690-7-25
A.-K. Schultz, M. Zhang, T. Leitner, B. Korber,
B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke
jpHMM: Erkennung von Rekombinationen bei HIV BIOforum 2/2008,
A.-K. Schultz, M. Zhang, T. Leitner, C. Kuiken, B. Korber,
B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke (2006)
A jumping profile Hidden Markov Model and applications to
recombination sites in HIV and HCV genomes BMC Bioinformatics 7:265 (pdf).
M. Zhang, A.-K. Schultz, B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke, B. Korber,
T. Leitner (2005)
Greater HIV Genome Diversities Inferred From Re-subtyping of HIV
Database Sequences Proc.
German Conference on Bioinformatics (Discovery Notes,
Poster Abstracts), pp 5 - 7.
A.-K. Schultz, M. Abdou Chekaraou, I. Bulla, E. Gordien, B. Morgenstern, F. Zoulim, M. Stanke, P. Deny
A jumping profile Hidden Markov Model (jpHMM) approach to explore HBV recombination patterns indicates that HBV recombination occurs all along the genome with a high frequency in the precore/core region and defines 17 spreading recombinant forms (SRF),
2010 International Meeting on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses, Taipei, Taiwan
Travel Grant, Hepatitis B Foundation
A.-K. Schultz, M. Zhang, I. Bulla, T. Leitner, B. Korber, B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke
jpHMM: Improving the reliability of recombination prediction in HIV-1 (pdf), 16th International HIV Dynamics & Evolution 2009, Oxford, UK
A.-K. Schultz, M. Zhang, I. Bulla, T. Leitner, C. Kuiken, B. Korber,
B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke
jpHMM: A jumping profile HMM to detect recombinations in HIV-1, European Conference on Computational Biology, ECCB 2008, Cagliari, Italy
A.-K. Schultz, M. Zhang, I. Bulla, T. Leitner, C. Kuiken, B. Korber,
B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke
jpHMM: A jumping profile HMM to predict recombinations in HIV-1, German Conference on Bioinformatics, GCB 2008, Dresden, Germany
A.-K. Schultz, M. Zhang, T. Leitner, C. Kuiken, B. Korber,
B. Morgenstern, M. Stanke
jpHMM: Detecting recombinations in HIV-1, 15th International HIV Dynamics & Evolution 2008, Santa Fe, USA
Anne-Kathrin Schultz and Mario Stanke
A Jumping Profile HMM for Remote Protein Homology Detection (pdf), Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, 91-92, GCB 2004, Bielefeld, Germany