gobics.de [Burkhard Morgenstern]

University of Göttingen - Faculty of Biology - Institute of Microbiology and Genetics - Department of Bioinformatics

Prof. em. Dr. Burkhard Morgenstern
Universität Göttingen
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik
Abteilung für Bioinformatik
Goldschmidtstr. 1
37077 Göttingen

My spam-protected E-mail is:
bmorgen AT gwdg DOT de

Secretary: +49 551 39-14966

Please note: I retired from my position as a professor at University of Göttingen as of October 2023.
I'm no longer accepting new students, I'm not available as a reviewer any more.

Our new software tools for alignment-free sequence comparison and seed optimization:
Prot-SpaM, Multi-SpaM, Filtered Spaced-Word Matches, Slope-SpaM, kmacs and rasbhari.

Visit our journal: Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Recent Publications (for publication metrics and related nonsense, see Google Scholar, Web of Science, Research Gate)
  • N. Birth, T. Dencker, B. Morgenstern (2022)
    Insertions and deletions as phylogenetic signal in an alignment-free context
    PLOS Computational Biology 18, e1010303
  • A. Dieckmann, T. Riedel, B. Bunk, C. Spröer, J. Overmann, U. Groß, O. Bader, W. Bohne, B. Morgenstern, M. Hosseini, A. Zautner (2021)
    Genome and Methylome analysis of a phylogenetic novel Campylobacter coli cluster with C. jejuni introgression
    Microbial Genomics 7, 679
  • M. Blanke, B. Morgenstern (2021)
    Phylogenetic placement of short reads without sequence alignment
    Bioinformatics Advances 1, vbab027
  • R. Harting, J. Starke, H. Kusch, S. Pöggeler, I. Maurus, R. Schlüter, M. Landesfeind, I. Bulla, M. Nowrousian, R. de Jonge, G. Stahlhut, K. Hoff, K. Aßhauer, A. Thürmer, M. Stanke, R. Daniel, B. Morgenstern, B. Thomma, J. Kronstad, S. Braus-Stromeyer, G. Braus (2021)
    A 20-kb lineage-pecific genomic region tames virulence in pathogenic amphidiploid Verticillium longisporum
    Molecular Plant Pathology 22, 939-953
  • A. Chakraborty, B. Morgenstern, S. Bandyopadhyay (2021)
    S-conLSH: Alignment-free gapped mapping of noisy long reads
    BMC Bioinformatics 22, 64
  • N. Birth, T. Dencker, B. Morgenstern (2021)
    Insertions and deletions as phylogenetic signal in alignment-free sequence comparison
    bioRxiv doi:10.1101/2021.02.03.429685v1
  • M. Hosseini, D. Pratas, B Morgenstern, A.J. Pinho (2020)
    Smash++: an alignment-free and memory-efficient tool to find genomic rearrangements
    GigaScience 9, giaa048
  • M. Leonard, A. Kühn, R. Harting, I. Maurus, A. Nagel, J. Starke, H. Kusch, O. Valerius, K. Feussner, I. Feussner, A. Kaever, M. Landesfeind, B. Morgenstern, D. Becher, M. Hecker, S. Braus-Stromeyer, J. Kronstad, G. Braus (2020)
    Verticillium longisporum elicits media-dependent secretome responses with capacity to distinguish between plant-related environments
    Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1876
  • S. Röhling, A. Linne, J. Schellhorn, M. Hosseini, T. Dencker, B. Morgenstern (2020)
    The number of k-mer matches between two DNA sequences as a function of k and applications to estimate phylogenetic distances
    PLOS ONE 15, e0228070
  • B. Morgenstern (2020)
    Sequence Comparison without Alignment: The SpaM approaches
    In: K. Katoh (ed.) Multiple Sequence Alignment, pp. 121-134
    Book series Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer. Preprint available
  • T. Dencker, C.-A. Leimeister, M. Gerth, C. Bleidorn, S. Snir, B. Morgenstern (2020)
    Multi-SpaM: a Maximum-Likelihood approach to Phylogeny reconstruction using Multiple Spaced-word Matches
    and Quartet Trees
    NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2, lqz013
  • B. Morgenstern (2020)
    Fake scientists on editorial boards can significantly enhance the visibility of junk journals.
    In: Mario Biagioli and Alexandra Lippman (Eds.)
    Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research, MIT Press, pp. 201-211.
    Book freely available as PDF, follow link "Open Access" in the middle of this page. Slides of my talk available here
  • A.K. Lau, S. Dörrer, C.-A. Leimeister, C. Bleidorn, B. Morgenstern (2019)
    Read-SpaM: assembly-free and alignment-free comparison of bacterial genomes with low sequencing coverage
    BMC Bioinformatics 20, 638 (Proceedings RECOMB-CG 2019)
  • B. Morgenstern (2019)
    Der Metrik-Wahn
    Laborjournal 7-8, 22-25
  • A. Zielezinski, H.Z. Girgis, G. Bernard, C.-A. Leimeister, K. Tang, T. Dencker, A.K. Lau, S. Röhling, J. Choi, M.S. Waterman, M. Comin, S.-H. Kim, S. Vinga, J.S. Almeida, C.X. Chan, B. James, F. Sun, B. Morgenstern, W.M. Karlowski (2019)
    Benchmarking of alignment-free sequence comparison methods
    Genome Biology 20, 144

Short CV

Created by Burkhard Morgenstern. Last modified: August 2024