Prof. em. Dr. Burkhard Morgenstern
Universität Göttingen
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik
Abteilung für Bioinformatik
Goldschmidtstr. 1
37077 Göttingen
My spam-protected E-mail is:
bmorgen AT gwdg DOT de
Secretary: | +49 551 39-14966 |
I'm no longer accepting new students, I'm not
available as a reviewer any more.
Prot-SpaM, Multi-SpaM, Filtered Spaced-Word Matches, Slope-SpaM, kmacs and rasbhari.

Visit our journal: Algorithms for Molecular Biology
Recent Publications (for publication metrics and related nonsense, see Google Scholar, Web of Science, Research Gate)
N. Birth, T. Dencker, B. Morgenstern (2022)
Insertions and deletions as phylogenetic signal in an alignment-free context
PLOS Computational Biology 18, e1010303 -
A. Dieckmann, T. Riedel, B. Bunk, C. Spröer, J. Overmann, U. Groß, O. Bader, W. Bohne, B. Morgenstern, M. Hosseini, A. Zautner (2021)
Genome and Methylome analysis of a phylogenetic novel Campylobacter coli cluster with C. jejuni introgression
Microbial Genomics 7, 679 - M. Blanke, B. Morgenstern (2021)
Phylogenetic placement of short reads without sequence alignment
Bioinformatics Advances 1, vbab027
R. Harting, J. Starke, H. Kusch, S. Pöggeler, I. Maurus,
R. Schlüter, M. Landesfeind, I. Bulla, M. Nowrousian, R. de Jonge,
G. Stahlhut, K. Hoff, K. Aßhauer, A. Thürmer, M. Stanke, R. Daniel,
B. Morgenstern, B. Thomma, J. Kronstad, S. Braus-Stromeyer,
G. Braus (2021)
A 20-kb lineage-pecific genomic region tames virulence in pathogenic amphidiploid Verticillium longisporum
Molecular Plant Pathology 22, 939-953
- A. Chakraborty, B. Morgenstern, S. Bandyopadhyay (2021)
S-conLSH: Alignment-free gapped mapping of noisy long reads
BMC Bioinformatics 22, 64
- N. Birth, T. Dencker, B. Morgenstern (2021)
Insertions and deletions as phylogenetic signal in alignment-free sequence comparison
bioRxiv doi:10.1101/2021.02.03.429685v1
- M. Hosseini, D. Pratas, B Morgenstern, A.J. Pinho (2020)
Smash++: an alignment-free and memory-efficient tool to find genomic rearrangements
GigaScience 9, giaa048 - M. Leonard, A. Kühn, R. Harting, I. Maurus, A. Nagel, J. Starke,
H. Kusch, O. Valerius, K. Feussner, I. Feussner, A. Kaever, M. Landesfeind,
B. Morgenstern, D. Becher, M. Hecker, S. Braus-Stromeyer, J. Kronstad,
G. Braus (2020)
Verticillium longisporum elicits media-dependent secretome responses with capacity to distinguish between plant-related environments
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1876 - S. Röhling, A. Linne, J. Schellhorn, M. Hosseini,
T. Dencker, B. Morgenstern (2020)
The number of k-mer matches between two DNA sequences as a function of k and applications to estimate phylogenetic distances
PLOS ONE 15, e0228070 - B. Morgenstern (2020)
Sequence Comparison without Alignment: The SpaM approaches
In: K. Katoh (ed.) Multiple Sequence Alignment, pp. 121-134
Book series Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer. Preprint available - T. Dencker, C.-A. Leimeister, M. Gerth, C. Bleidorn, S. Snir, B. Morgenstern (2020)
Multi-SpaM: a Maximum-Likelihood approach to Phylogeny reconstruction using Multiple Spaced-word Matches
and Quartet Trees
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2, lqz013 - B. Morgenstern (2020)
Fake scientists on editorial boards can significantly enhance the visibility of junk journals.
In: Mario Biagioli and Alexandra Lippman (Eds.)
Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research, MIT Press, pp. 201-211.
Book freely available as PDF, follow link "Open Access" in the middle of this page. Slides of my talk available here - A.K. Lau, S. Dörrer, C.-A. Leimeister, C. Bleidorn,
B. Morgenstern (2019)
Read-SpaM: assembly-free and alignment-free comparison of bacterial genomes with low sequencing coverage
BMC Bioinformatics 20, 638 (Proceedings RECOMB-CG 2019) - B. Morgenstern (2019)
Der Metrik-Wahn
Laborjournal 7-8, 22-25 -
A. Zielezinski, H.Z. Girgis, G. Bernard, C.-A. Leimeister, K. Tang,
T. Dencker, A.K. Lau, S. Röhling, J. Choi, M.S. Waterman, M. Comin,
S.-H. Kim, S. Vinga, J.S. Almeida, C.X. Chan, B. James, F. Sun,
B. Morgenstern, W.M. Karlowski (2019)
Benchmarking of alignment-free sequence comparison methods
Genome Biology 20, 144
Short CV
Created by Burkhard Morgenstern.
Last modified: August 2024