gobics.de [Burkhard's CV]

Burkhard Morgenstern

Employment and education

2002 - 2023: Full professor, Univ. Göttingen
2001 - 2002: Group leader, Int. Grad. School of Bioinformatics and Genome Research, Univ. Bielefeld
2000 - 2001: MIPS, Max-Planck-Institut, Martinsried, and GSF Research Center, Neuherberg
1998 - 2000: RPR / Aventis Pharma, Dagenham, UK
1997 - 1998: Visiting scientist with Prof. W.R. Atchley, North Carolina State Univ., USA
1996 - 1998: Postdoc, GSF Research Center, Neuherberg
1996: Dr. math., Univ. Bielefeld. Thesis work on multiple sequence alignment. Supervisor: Prof. A. Dress
1993: Diplom in Mathematics, Univ. Munich. Thesis work on partial differential equations. Supervisor: Prof. J. Batt
1987: Vordiplom (comparable to BSc) in Biology, Univ. Freiburg.

Editorial service:

Membership in Conference Program Committees since 2011 (selected):

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Last modified: May 2024